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Hypnosis FAQ

What is hypnosis

Hypnosis is a technique used to get into a state called a trance. A trance is a state of consciousness that has changed, in which we notice almost everything, but in which we are not one hundred percent awake. For example, shortly before falling asleep, when we are half asleep, but still hear outside noises such as cars or barking dogs, but that doesn't bother us. Similarly, you can imagine this state in a hypnosis session.

In a trance state, consciousness cannot sort it as usual. Then we are ready to let things run their course and not deliberately intervene in the train of thought. The analytical thinking ability is reduced, so that we can experience and experience more in hypnosis due to the perception with many senses.

What are typical areas of application for hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis has many fields of application and that is what makes this therapy method so interesting and valuable for me as a therapist. In the following I will go into the most common areas of application:

  • Allergies
  • fears
  • Burn-out and exhaustion situations
  • depressions
  • eating disorder
  • Weight reduction
  • Hypertension and hypotension
  • Phobias
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Smoking cessation
  • pains
  • trauma
  • Constraints

What other fields of application of hypnosis are there?

  • Hypno analysis
  • Hypno coaching
  • Desire to have children
  • Poor concentration
  • Learning blocks
  • Life crises

What is hypno-analysis?

The hypno-analysis supports us in loosening and dissolving inner blockages as well as discharging repressed feelings. Suddenly the subconscious creates space for new, desirable feelings and ways of acting. This technique helps the patient to get to the cause of a certain behavior.

Are all people hypnotizable?

Every day when we sleep or daydream, we are in a hypnosis-like state. Sometimes we forget whether we have already closed a door or missed a departure. Therefore, almost everyone is able to fall into a trance.

However, hypnosis is not used in the presence of intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, schizophrenia and severe mental illness. The effect here is difficult to predict. Drug consumption also speaks against the use.

Do I lose consciousness during hypnosis?

It is important for the therapist to be able to communicate with his patient. Therefore the hypnotized person only changes into a different consciousness. During the hypnosis session, the phases of the trance can change between medium, light and very deep trance. As a result, the perception of what is spoken by the patient or client can appear differently loud.

Regardless of the different trance depths, the unconscious still gets everything that is important for the process.

Do I become mindless under hypnosis?

Show hypnosis convey a lack of will. The impression arises that the hypnotized are following all the instructions of the hypnotist. This observation is related to the show situation and the previously given consent.

What is certain is that nobody can be hypnotized against their will. The hypnotized person cannot be forced to do anything that he does not want to do at all. Only those suggestions are accepted by your subconscious, which agree with your ideas and values.

Is hypnosis recognized as a therapeutic method?

As early as 2006, the hypnosis procedure was recognized as a psychotherapeutic procedure in Germany. However, in many countries the effectiveness of hypnosis was recognized much earlier. When practiced by experienced and well-trained therapists, hypnosis is as effective as other psychotherapy methodsH.

Will I wake up after the trance?

You always come out of the trance. Even if the trance is deep and pleasant. During a hypnotic session, the hypontisant is both gently introduced into the trance and also brought back into reality. It is not possible to maintain a trance indefinitely.

What is the prerequisite for successful hypnosis?

The success of hypnotherapy depends crucially on having trust in your therapist or coach. In addition, you should be open to this therapy and ready to let go and give up control. Hypnosis means I am positive about the process and follow the therapist's instructions. This is how I achieve a trance depth that suits me and the desired success.

Is hypnosis also suitable for children and adolescents?

Adolescents generally respond very well to hypnosis. The imagination and the ability to concentrate must be sufficiently trained beforehand. Depending on the age, fairy tale and fantasy characters as well as animals are built into the processes. Of course, this only works if the children agree to the hypnosis session and if a relationship of trust with the therapist has been established beforehand. Hypnotic sessions can often be used to achieve good results, especially to support concentration and to deal with learning blocks, but also in other difficult situations in everyday life.

My philosophy

You and I - we will find solutions together with the help of your subconscious

for your health and satisfaction.

Better today than tomorrow. Your well-being is my focus.

Talk to me

when it comes to your health!

Do you have further questions about hypnotherapy, hypnosis and my areas of application in Mainz? Call me or leave a message in the contact form. I will get in touch with you and will be available to advise you.

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